
Silvento Petit Levrier Italien

Petit Levrier Italien

CH. Lucilla Forum Romanum

femelle Petit Levrier Italien née le 17/11/2011

Informations sur CH. Lucilla Forum Romanum

Couleur isabel
Puce 967000009357432
Tatouage 11
Inscrit au LOF ? Pologne

Les parents

Palmares de CH. Lucilla Forum Romanum

Junior Champion of Belarus

Junior Champion of Ukraine

Junior Grand CH UA

Junior CH of Moldova

Junior CH of Turkey

Junior CH of San Marino

Grand Junior CH of Moldova

Champion of Ukraine

Champion of Moldova

Champion of UKU

Champion of Phillippines

Champion of Montenegro

Best Representative of breed in UA


Champion of Belarus

Champion of Bulgaria

Les résultats de CH. Lucilla Forum Romanum

CAC rCACIB finished CH of Bulgaria title

CH. Lucilla Forum Romanum - CAC rCACIB finished CH of Bulgaria title

14/07/2016 - IDS in Bulgaria

Ville : Shkorpilovtzi / BULGARIA - Juge : Georgi Hristozov /BG/

CAC rCACIB finished CH BY

CH. Lucilla Forum Romanum - CAC rCACIB finished CH BY

05/06/2016 - Minsk 2016

Ville : Minsk (BY) - Juge : Francisco Ruiz Rodriguez (Spain)
