Bienvenue chez Silvento

Notre général site est - ou vous pouvez voir tout nos chiens, tous nos chiots de la race Petit Levrier Italien, resultats de l'expositions de PLI en Ukraine etc.
We are independent in our views on italian sighthound breed. We stricktly follow the selected type of the breed, that we like – no matter how beutiful IS is – we don’t use in breeding dogs that don’t satisfy us by quality, health, height or temperament. We are not interested in the beauty of the pedigree of the italian sighthound (italian greyhound) “on paper” if it doesn’t correspond dog's real quality in life. By our results, italian greyhounds of Silvento kennel confirm the correctness of the way we have chosen: we show, breed and purchase IGs that are liked by us, judges and audience.
We are independent in our views on italian sighthound breed. We stricktly follow the selected type of the breed, that we like – no matter how beutiful IS is – we don’t use in breeding dogs that don’t satisfy us by quality, health, height or temperament. We are not interested in the beauty of the pedigree of the italian sighthound (italian greyhound) “on paper” if it doesn’t correspond dog's real quality in life. By our results, italian greyhounds of Silvento kennel confirm the correctness of the way we have chosen: we show, breed and purchase IGs that are liked by us, judges and audience.