Crystal Cup of Ukraine, Kyivska Rus'
Actualité publiée le 11/04/2013
Judge - Wieremiejczyk-Wierzchowska Malgorzata (Poland) - 19 IGs
CACIB / 'Crystal Cup of Ukraine'
Luccila Forum Romanum - exc-1 jCAC jBOB finished Jun Grand CH UA
(junior class / 4 bitches in the class)
Hellica Forum Romanum - exc САС finished CH UA
(open class /2 bitches in the class)
And the results of our girls from the first day of the dog show!
Judge - Lisbeth Mach (Schwitzerland) - 16 IGs
CACIB / 'Kyivska Rus'
Luccila Forum Romanum - exc-1 jCAC jBOB BOB BIG-2
(junior class / 3 bitches in the class)
Hellica Forum Romanum - exc САС CACIB
(open class /2 bitches in the class)